Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I Know How To Pick Them

The Plumber From Hell is here today. I think I channeled my Inner Harpy too much while talking to him, and voices were raised (which I hate as much as fist-fighting old men. Is it because I am a peace-loving ilonggo?). I am questioning the wisdom of having called him again instead of just starting from scratch with a new plumber.  It’s just that I’ve already paid this guy, and simply want some proper service for my money. Is that so bad?
(long silence, with cricket sounds)
Okay, if he still doesn’t get the job done this time, I’ll call another plumber and do what I normally do when there’s nothing else left – chalk it up to experience. In the meantime, I am keeping my fingers crossed. Must be civil and assertive at the same time. Ah yes, I was raised the family diplomat.

Day-to-day domestic annoyances make me mind being alone. 


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